My very first post in here was about getting my blood drawn for the metabolic panel to see why I have these clotting/ high blood pressure problems with my pregnancies. Well today the results were in. I got the call before I woke up and the Dr left a voicemail. She said she needed to go over the results with me and to call her back as soon as possible. I thought, "Oh shit. This is the moment I find out how to fix it next time. This is the moment that Leo shows that he didn't die in vain!" I tried to call her back 3 times and each time she was with a patient. I was a nervous wreck all day long.
She finally called me at the end of the day. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the number come up on the screen. I took a deep breath and answered the call. She asked how I had been and I told her fine but nervous about the results. She said, "Well, everything came back fine. You didn't have any of the serious disorders we thought you may have had." My heart dropped because in this instance, no news was bad news. If there was no problem, there was no treatment. She continued on with, "But you did test positive for the genetic mutation MTHFR." (It's kind of funny but my mind immediately thought "Motherfucker?") "It has nothing to do with why you lost your baby, but it is present and I thought you should know. I'm putting the results in your medical file." I didn't understand. How could I have a genetic mutation that affects my blood, but it have nothing to do with my blood clotting while I'm pregnant? I had to breathe because I realized I'd been holding my breath literally almost the whole conversation.
Deep breath in, deep breath out....
I didn't believe her response to the MTHFR. I decided to google it and see what came up. When I typed in the letters, a couple lines down said MTHFR and pregnancy. I clicked it and what came up brought some peace. Apparently there are plenty of women with this specific mutation. In a small percentage of them that inherit the gene from both parents, not only can they not effectively process folate, but it causes elevated homocysteine levels, which in turn can cause the blood to clot. There was a lot of medical jargon, but basically I understood that it could very well have caused the preeclampsia and the clots in the placenta. It is not recognized by the medical community as a whole, but some studies show that treatment with vitamin b6 and b12 can control the homocysteine and blood thinners as a precaution have also been used to result in successful pregnancies. This is great news people! Even if there is just a small percentage of success with this treatment it is better than no treatment at all.
I will be getting pregnant again in my future and it really helps to know that there is something that could potentially can help me. MTHFR, you may have stolen two pregnancies and one son from me, but I got ya now motherfucker.
The sun shone a little brighter this afternoon just knowing that Leo didn't lose his little life in vain. Now I just need to find a Dr that thinks it is a problem and not just a random mutation that has nothing to do with losing my son.
Leo, thank you for the chance to find out this valuable information. I love you buddy. I love you more than you'll ever get to find out.
My heart is with you, I had 2 miscarriages, diagnosed with heterozygous MTHFR, will TTC soon with GOD as my primary doctor. I know how difficult it is. God bless you.