Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Shed my skin

I just finished watching my Mexican fireleg tarantula shed her skin. It was quite amazing to see it in progress as I usually just catch the aftermath. The skin tossed in the corner of the tank and the much bigger spider in the other corner. I walked in on her shedding process as soon as she had lay on her back and started wriggling out. It was incredible to see. I left for about 2 hours and when I came back I got to see her finish the process. I must admit I was strangely jealous of her for her ability to leave her old self behind so easily. She literally out grew who she was and took that body off to reveal a new better, brighter, bigger, more bad ass self. Awesome. If only we as humans could just shed our skin when we needed a new life.

1 comment:

  1. I know you don't feel like it now but you will be a better, brighter, bigger, more bad ass woman soon. Leo wouldn't have it any other way. K, xx
